Friday, May 31, 2019


While it certainly hasn't been something every day I've been reporting, many thing have certainly happened!

On one hand I've stopped 3d modeling.  The output for the effort is taking me from what I really want to do: Start getting games in.  When I originally started the project in, what...January...I though I could crank out about 1 per week.  The reality of the situation is I get one done in about 3 months.  I could actually crank out one per day, but the demands of my life, wife, child and job have been taking (justifiable) precedent.  Furthermore, there are a lot of really great miniatures already out there I can re-purpose to my designs.

There are still some factions I want to do some units for, such as "Space Angels" and various robots, as well as the often alluded-to Robot Bear Cavalry, but my time has been taken up on working up what I have now.  With that I present to you my current ambition: Assembling the items from Ali at Iliada Game Studio.

Taking just shy of 20 days to arrive, in the wee hours of the evening I've been putting it all together.  One bottle of superglue down and so far so good.  I'd like to do some reviews on each piece, for no other reason than to hone my videography skills.  More on that later potentially.

Additionally, the Bogatyr MBT for the Rus faction has arrived and they look great!  A word of warning, though.  At this small always....ALWAYS order the fine detail plastic, not the Versatile white stuff.  They feel like sandstone and can actually rub off the details like it's  block of chalk!

I didn't order this building but it says Iliada Game Studios on the roof, so I'm assuming it's a promotion piece.  I certainly like the products so far, so I'm sure I'll have to use it in my features when I make them.

Kai Raiders, (Bogatyr for scale).

Bucket of buildings I've created so far.  My wife is a bit dismayed on "how much room this clutter is taking" which so far amounts to a mostly-empty shoebox, but she does like the buildings since they remind her of home.

That's all for now!

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