Friday, May 31, 2019

Assembly: Iliada Game Studios VTOL

Main page for the Iliada Game Studios (IGS) VTOL.

I recently acquired from Ali 3 copies of the IGS VTOL, since there was no instructions for assembling them I though I'd document it here (I am in no way affiliated with Ali or IGS).

Upon first glance I see that the three panels to the left are thicker, probably the main body and VTOL wings.  Additionally I notice that the numbers on the side of the VTOL are different (1-2-3).  I suppose some individual request to make these spaces into different numbers or even a logo could be accommodated.  Clipping out each piece happened with my hands and a fingernail clipper.  I will note that the most sensitive areas are the VTOL rotors and the rear slot of the VTOL body component.  Very thin, easy to bend.

I begin by putting the three body components together, one by one, with superglue.  Since it sets fast, I use the table to steady the placement and slide each piece together.

I then attach the side body panels.  Note the slot for the lower wings is bigger than the wing itself.  The placement for the VTOL upper wing pylons is only marked on the side (the rectangle just right of the "01").

I place the lower wings as far forward in the slot as they allow to make them symmetrical.  The VTOL wings I just have to eyeball.  It was somewhat confusing as in the picture it is not the wings, which are at an angle, mount "up" or "down".  I settle on up and I believe this is the correct orientation as later the wing levels off and mounts the rotor nicely.

Before gluing, I test place the top piece and find that since it is not flat on top anymore the model component will need to be bent.  I pre-bend the front wings on each side in order for the main body to settle down on it.

Placing glue on the main body, struts and forward cockpit area, I have to bend the front cockpit visor down to wrap forward on the body.  When placing this piece I found the best way is to align the center of the rotors to the end of each strut.

I then place the cosmetic components for the front and back of the VTOL struts.

Again using the rotor centers as guides, I place the second top piece and place inside the slot the top fin.

At this point I flip over the craft and attach the missiles underneath as well as the front guns piece.

And there we have it, with some Bogatyr MBT for scale, this model is actually little larger than expected (72mm from wingtip to wingtip says my Calipers).  Some more shots.

Have a good one and don't forget to put the caps back on the glue!

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