Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Mother's Day Update

It's mothers day.  If I do post this, it's probably late too, so give your mother a call if you haven't.  Mine goes to church in the mornings so I've got to remember to call her later myself.

It's been a busy week, mostly considering and purchasing videography peripherals.  Aside from my wife's passion (writing fables, they're great!) I've had a hankering for some time to get into video presentations.  Some of this itch has been scratched in my recent modeling videos but these haven't gotten an overwhelming response.  Not that I expected any because a) My modeling is ametuer (sp?) and b) My personal lore is mine and I really don't expect it to be interesting to anyone else.  Eventually, however, I need to transition to actually playing the game!

It goes against my nature to state what I want to do before I do it, but perhaps doing so will motivate me to get to completion:  I want to produce a semi-professional quality presentations of Polyversal games that I referee between two (or more) individuals on the internet.  Have each turn take a day or two and include some rendition of the Fog of War (photoshopped battlefield pictures sent to each player) with scenario conditions that may not be known to the other side. 

I'm really not sure how I'd do all of this but I have some ideas on how to start and if I get to that point I'll ask for volunteers in this grand experiment.  It would be a lot of work on my part both before and after the game, but considering there are hardly any videos presenting 6mm games, it would be interesting to set the standard and break ground in that direction.

The first order of business is to finish modeling and acquire the miniatures to play with.  I still haven't started the SoH infantry or tank, although I have a huge file of reference material and a somewhat locked-down idea of their aesthetics.  At this point it would probably take me a few days to do both of them, but one thing leads to another and, as the Gaffer said, it's the job that's never started that takes longest to finish.

In the finished department, however, I should be receiving the Rus infantry sprue on Tuesday and perhaps do a demonstration and analysis video on that by the end of next week, all things permitting.  The Bogatyr are also in-route after much delay as well.  There were...problems...with shapeways that require me to redo the whole lineup at sometime, but I threw enough money at it that I'm getting probably way more than I'll ever need.  Finally, Iliada Game Studios has their stuff I ordered on the way so I'm sure that will turn up later this month.  Reviews on that will follow.

Time to go to work, so have a good one!

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