Sunday, May 5, 2019

6mm Terrain: Bottles to Buildings Part 1

Being a chemist, I have access to a surplus of bottles.  I literally have a trashcan at home filled with the things after I cleaned up my car.  I've always thought they'd make great buildings and I'm finally getting around to doing something with them.  Looking into cylinder sci-fi buildings, I can't really see any good examples that look close to a pill bottle, but I'm giving it a stab because the worst that can happen is I find out I don't like it.

In my head-cannon, before the colonizing of a planet (or afterwards even) buildings are pre-made in space and sent traveling however many light-years away at sub-light speed before impacting the planet in some pre-arranged formation.  These rocket-buildings must be tough enough to withstand the rigors of space travel, planetary landing and then be desirable to live in afterwards.  Needless to say, they should be tough looking and high-tech.  With that said, the first step is to peel off the labels.

They're attached with some kind of industrial strength glue so I have to scrub off the paper first with a copper scrubber, make them wet, scrub some more then finally add Goo-Gone to the adhesive and scrub again after letting it set.

Scrubbing off the labels.

Sprayed with Goo Gone.

Clean bottle with some stuff I'm going to use to break up the profile.

One of the biggest problems I see having this is meeting the table with the bottle might require I cut it.  Right now my plan is to kinda make a shroud with that lego tape and then color it to see what happens.  I also got some fuses to put on top to act as an antenna grommet and hide some of the text up there.  

I'd like to spray it down with some modpodge and water mix, then dump some RIT dye on it, another spray or two of Modgepodge.  I have some hairbands that may cause the dye to aggregate nicely, then I might paint on some windows.  Not sure if any of this will work or how it will turn out, but that's part of the adventure!

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