Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Litko Bases Ordered

I need bases for the infantry and the walkers.  Put in an order for clear acrylic bases, both 25mm and 40mm.  Lots of extras so I can use them as tokens later as well. 

Models Acquired:

I have more models than I can use now, I need to start painting.  Still unsure what colors each faction should be.  I'd like the Rus to have a warmish dark brown steel colors while I think the SoH units should be a little more modern with a coolish gray such as the ACU-pat camoflauge.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Reporting in to say that the minis from Stratos came in two days ago.  I haven't even had time to open the box, but I'm pretty excited to see if they quality can live up to my expectations.

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Just checking in to say I got a box from Brigade Miniatures 2 days ago.